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Circus Sign.png
(Clown) Warren.png

Is easily frightened by the the question, "Will you raise middle class taxes to pay for Medicare-for-All?"

Senator from Massachusetts

Elizabeth Warren

(Clown) Biden.png

Joe Biden is leaving the audience with the same feeling the Democratic Party did in 2016: sleepy.

Fmr. Vice-President

Joe Biden

(Clown) Bernie.png

Bernie thinks $126 trillion can appear out of thin air… after raising taxes on the middle class of course.

Senator from Vermont

Bernie Sanders

(Clown) Booker.png

Thinks banning cow farts is the answer, but really his policies just stink.

Senator from New Jersey

Cory Booker

(Clown) Pete.png

Grabbing the attention of Hollywood elites, his socialist policies want to grab the money out of Americans' wallets.

Mayor of South Bend, Indiana

Pete Buttigieg

(Clown) Steyer_edited.png

After burning money on commercials, this clown wanted to see his face on TV more!

California Millionaire 

Tom Steyer

(Clown) Castro.png

How many clowns are too many?

Fmr. Mayor of San Antonio

Julián Castro

(Clown) Klobuchar.png

Needs more practice juggling combs and binders, oftentimes injures audience with her tricks.

Senator from  Minnesota

Amy Klobuchar

(Clown) Yang.png

Wants to give voters $1,000 a month and still can’t get votes.


Andrew Yang

(Clown) Delaney.png

After meeting everyone in the audience, John Delaney is still not a fan favorite.

Fmr. Congressman from Maryland

John Delaney

(Clown) Tulsi.png

Propped up by Russian’s propaganda machine. That’s not even funny.

Congresswomen from Hawaii

Tulsi Gabbard

(Clown) Bennett.png


Senator from Colorado

Michael Bennet

(Clown) Messam.png

Why not add one more?

Mayor of Miramar, Florida

Wayne Messam

(Clown) Williamson.png

Fighting the dark forces of politics with LOVE!

Marianne Williamson


Trump Button.png
(Clown) Swalwell.png

Originally from Iowa, but decided to run off with the California carnies instead!

Eric Swalwell

Congressman from Claifornia

(Clown) Jay Inslee.png

“One note” clown couldn’t even get his single-issue act off the ground in his home state.

Jay Inslee

Governor of Washington

(Clown) Gillibrand.png

Kirsten Gillibrand

Senator from New York

Kirsten Gillibrand is a world-renowned contortionist, but Iowans hate bending on the issues.

(Clown) Moulton.png

Seth Moulton

Congressman from Massachusetts

This one’s act can’t even get him on the debate stage, he’s not ready for the Big Top.

(Clown) de Blasio.png

Bill de Blasio

Mayor of New York City

Drove New York into the ground, feels qualified to drive this clown car.

(Clown) Hickenlooper.png

The show won’t last long on this sad clown who’s juggling ethics complaints

John Hickenlooper

Fmr. Governor of Colorado

(Clown) Gravel.png

Was first elected when gas cost 34 cents a gallon, this clown doesn’t know when to quit.

Mike Gravel

Fmr. Senator from Alaska

(Clown) Tim Ryan.png

This clown felt left out, so why not join this circus?

Tim Ryan

Congressman from Ohio

(Clown) Kamala Harris.png

Harris really wants to, "have a discussion about that," but she disappears in the blink of an eye. 

Kamala Harris

Senator of California

(Clown) Beto.png

Takes over every table in the room, and supports a total government takeover of health care.

Beto O'Rourke

Fmr. Congressman from Texas

(Clown) Sestak.png

He tried. 

Joe Sestak

Fmr. Congressman from PA

(Clown) Bullock.png

Had more staff than supporters...

Steve Bullock

Governor of Montana

Paid for By.png
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